Monday, October 24, 2011


Hey everyone,

I just wanted to say thank you for all of your prayers and support over the past few days. First for everything that happened with me on Saturday and now for what is going on with my nephew today. I'm pretty sore and bruised from my fall, but very grateful that God was with me and the baby when I fell. It could have been so much worse. I know that God had His hand on us.

As for my nephew, we're still not quite sure what is wrong with him. Thankfully after an ultrasound on his heart and an EKG the doctor's no longer believe that the problem actually has to do with his heart. His heart beat is still unusually high, but they think it is the result of an infection somewhere else in the body and not any problem with his heart specifically. They have been doing all sorts of intrusive procedures all day and running tons of tests. The poor little guy has been through a lot today. We've been told that he'll be in the hospital a minimum of three days and that's if they're able to quickly identify the source of the infection and monitor how he responds to antibiotics. It could be longer if the infection takes longer to locate. Your continued prayers for my nephew, my sister, and our family are appreciated.

Thanks so much,

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